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Teaching My Kids All About Construction, Week 3

If you've been following our journey here, we have learnt so much this summer so far! We learnt 'All About Fish' and 'All About Birds'.

For week 3 of our summer vacation we are going with - Construction!

teaching my kids all about construction, child playing with dump truck

Why Construction?

Construction is everywhere. From our homes we live in to the roads we travel on, construction plays a big role in our daily lives. Teaching kids about construction helps them understand how things are built, the importance of teamwork, and the basic principles of engineering and architecture. Plus, which little boy isn't fascinated by Monster Trucks?!

To kick things off, we started with some basic concepts. I bought two highly recommended books that we read together.

How A House is built by gail gibbons, great childrens book teaching all about construction

"How a House Is Built" by Gail Gibbons: A great book that breaks down the process of building a house in a way that’s easy for kids to understand.

''The Ultimate Construction Site Book'' is a flap book that the kids absolutely love! So many hidden details to find! The cranes are moveable, the elevator lifts and so much more! This book is a winner.

Hands-On Activities: Building Together

Nothing beats hands-on learning. These are the activities we did throughout the week.

Construction Shapes

First we started with creating construction shapes using toothpicks and mini marshmallows. I printed them the guide and they followed the instructions on their own! (The printout is part of the booklet below.)

Spaghetti Bridge

construction for kids, building a bridge out of spaghetti noodles and hot glue

We built our very own bridge using spaghetti noodles and hot glue. (Mom was involved!) We followed instructions using a graph that I printed - part of the Printable Guide below).

Construction Stickers

We played with build your own truck stickers! This comes in a 24 pack of 4 sheets of each style. So the kids had plenty to do. They created their own scene using colored sheets of paper.

Kinetic Sand

kinetic sand construction scene, learning about trucks and cranes

I just had to incorporate sand in this week's play. Using our Kinetic Sand, each child made their own foundation to a house using our toy tractors, dump trucks, and steam rollers.

Job Site

construction site, work orders, childs play, cardboard houses

We gave out 'work orders' for the kids and they did a phenomenal job using their trucks and tools to get the job done!

All About Construction Booklet

all about construction activity booklet, teaching kids about trucks cars and all things cranes

Our construction adventure has been incredibly rewarding. My kids have learned a lot about how buildings are made, the importance of different roles in a construction team, and the basics of using tools and materials. Most importantly, they’ve had fun, made memories, and developed a sense of accomplishment from creating something with their own hands.

diggerland new jersey theme park, construction themed park for kids, cranes, trucks, rides

We finished off our week by visiting Diggerland. This construction themed park is definitely one of the best parks for kids. The kids were able to operate their own cranes, ride their own tractors and climb monster trucks! It was the perfect place for us!

Teaching kids about construction is more than just building structures; it’s about building knowledge, skills, and confidence. Whether you’re constructing a birdhouse or a cardboard fort, the lessons learned along the way are invaluable.

If you’re looking for a fun and educational summer activity, I highly recommend exploring the world of construction with your kids.

Happy building!


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